How does the phased HiPP nutrition concept work?

Babies should have time to get used to new food. This is exactly the concept on which the three stages of the special nutrition plan are based.

Basis During the first four to six months, all you need for your baby is milk – breast milk or bottle milk with HiPP 1 Combiotic®.
Stage 1
Start the first attempts to eat with a spoon (from 4 months at the earliest and from the 6th month at the latest) with one type of vegetable, Increase the amount of vegetable by a few spoonfuls every day.
Stage 2
If your baby can digest the new food easily, start feeding weaning food with two ingredients a few days later.
Stage 3
If your baby has no problem digesting these ingredients either, then they are ready for the third stage of the nutrition concept: weaning food made from three ingredients (e.g. “HiPP Carrots with Potatoes and Organic Beef

The phased HiPP nutrition concept for the first weaning food meal at lunchtime

The table shows you how and what steps are best to take in building up your baby’s diet plan.

*Important advice: breastfeeding is best for your baby. Ask your midwife or paediatrician for advice if you would like to use an infant formula.