During baby’s first months, breastfeeding is best for your baby.

If you do not breastfeed, industrially manufactured infant formulae are the only alternative.
Infant formulae are composed in a way that they completely cover the nutritional needs of a baby during their first months of life. Therefore, they can be used as the sole form of nutrition. Within the infant formulae range of goods, we distinguish between nutrition with the prefix “Pre” and nutrition with the number “1”. These two types of nutrition are different in that “Pre” nutrition – such as breast milk – uses lactose as the only carbohydrate, whereas “1” nutrition also contains a small proportion of creamy, gluten-free starch.
In the first months your baby satisfies both hunger and thirst by drinking milk. Additional fluid intake through tea or water is only necessary if your baby sweats a lot or loses a lot of fluids.
To find the right HiPP product group, look for the following colour codes on the shelves: