Speech and language development

Here we provide you with an overview of the stages in your baby’s speech and language development. 

Please note: speech and language development is very different in each child. The dates are only general reference points. If you have any doubts regarding the development of your baby, please consult your paediatrician.

Age (approx.) Speech comprehension Speech and language development
0-1 month From the sound of your voice your baby can recognise your mood Crying
2-3 months   Squeaking, gurgling
From 3 months Your baby “answers” when you talk to him/her Laughing, trying out of voice with vocal noises, squeaking, whispering
7-9 months Can differentiate between different kinds of sentences (question, request, etc.); your child answers with different tones and noises Chatting, syllable chains, then syllable doubling “da-da”
9-13 months Your child understands simple requests (“give me the car”); shakes his/her head for “no” First words, syllable doubling with meaning: “mama”, “papa”
8-20 months   Vocabulary of 50-200 words
20-24 monts   2 word sentences “Felix tired”
2½ years   Unformed multiple word sentences; self-naming with “me”
3 years Your child can follow a short story Strong increase in vocabulary Second age of questioning (who, how, what, why)
4 years   All sounds can be correctly pronounced (exception s, sh)

You can help your child in his/her speech and language development by speaking with them as much as possible. Tell stories, look at picture books together and talk about what you see and hear together and what you are doing. Listen attentively and always let them finish the sentence.

Answer all your child’s questions, even if they never seem to end. Don’t correct your child when he/she mispronounces something, but rather repeat the correct sentence casually. (“Ball proked”- “Yes, the ball is broken”)